
May 6, 2010

I recently shot portraits of Kara as part of the T-Project, photos of trans gender residents of Westchester County, New York, made possible via a grant by Arts Westchester to The LOFT LGBT Community Services Center in White Plains, New York.  Kara arrived to be photographed, some would say, unprepared.  She was dressed down, wore no make-up, and had come directly from an electrolysis session with face redness quite fresh and obvious.  But Kara was quite prepared.  She explained to me that she wants to show what the process of transitioning truly entails.  Electrolysis is only one part of the facial feminization process, a long and often painful process, like so much of transitioning is, both physically and emotionally.  The people I’ve photographed for the T-Project have taught me so much about being who we are and being unafraid.

Male to female trans gender woman

Male to female trans gender woman